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Saturday, December 15, 2012
Commentary on Hanyou's Love Ch. 1 by ImmaTOOclumsy21
Hanyou Love Chapter 1
Summary: Kagome a half inu demon and half
miko along side her best friend sango a demon slayer attend a new school called
shikon high that is meant for mikos, demons, priests, half demons and all
alike. as they take on the challenge of a new school will they find love? sorry
my summary sucks but the story is great. kag/inu with kikyo bashing. original link
Please Stop...
Terrible spelling, Terrible grammar, Mary Sue, DNDTR,
Plot conveniently dead parents
And now, on with the terrible...
Enjoy |
Kagome's POV
Hi, my name is Kagome Higurashi and I
am from Tokyo Japan. I am 16 and a junior in high school. I recently just
transferred to shikon no tama (Ahh, the
thrills of unnecessary Japanese words and terms) with my best friend sango
taija.. The thing about this new school though, is that it's a school for
mikos, monks,demon slayers, demons and half demons. The main reason we
transferred to this school is because we of course are not normal. Sango is a
demon slayer and a tempered one too. (Hold
up! Rewind... What sick bastards would decide to put demons and demon slayers
together in a school together? That’s just cruel!) Sango had a brother but
he died in a car accident along with their parents. (No he didn’t. And how does that relate to anything?) As for me,
well I am a half demon and a miko. (Congratulations.)
My dad was a full dog demon and my mom was also a half demon but also half
miko, (WTF? Chick refers to Miko
priestess as a race or something…) so I have ¾ of demon blood in me and ¼
miko blood in me. (She does think it’s a
race…) It may seem as my miko side is weak cause I don't have that much
miko in me but that's wrong. In fact my miko is as strong as my demon blood
because I'm the shikon miko. (Ahh snap.
Shikon Miko. It’s on now.) My mom
and dad were on there way to the hospital to deliver my baby brother when an
enraged demon came out of no where and killed them both. (Sucks for you. They owe him money or something?) Since my
family was and still is rich, (Of
course.) I was able to live on my own until the day I found sango sitting on
the road and took her in, so since then we have been living together. (So, I read this as: Random demon kills my
dad and pregnant mom on the way to the hospital but I’m rich so it’s OK. I find
random chick sitting on the road and let her stay at my house. I live alone at
16 with no guardian whatsoever and have managed to take care of myself… Oh yeah
that’s because I’m rich. That explains everything. )
*Beep, beep, beep* I reached my hand
out from under my blankets finally shutting up my alarm clock. I glanced at the
time and realized that it was 6:25, so I got up and walked into my walk in
closet (Oohh I am sooo envious of your walk-in closet.) to pick out my outfit for
the first day of my new school. I finally emerge from my closet with the
perfect outfit, a blue and whit flowered dress with a brown belt around the waist and knee high brown
wedged high heel boots (Awww... No scene or awesomely goffick clothes decriptions. *pout*) I put my chosen clothes on to my now
b=made bed and go into my private bathroom (Oohh teh private bathroom.) to take
a quick shower. Once I'm done my shower I dry my hair and start to curl it into
nice soft curls that rest on my lower back. Once I am done with that I go over
to my bed and pull on my outfit and go over to my vanity to put on some
finishing touches to my final look. I put on a nice long silver chain with a
silver key on it, white peacock feathered earrings, and white and blue bangles
on my right hand. (A bit much for
school…) I top it all off with black eyeliner, mascara light blueish silver
eye shadow and clear lip gloss. (Why
does the color of the eyeshadow matter?!) By the time I am done it's
already 7:30 (I thought it’d be later…)
so I rush downstairs to grab a quick breakfast.
When I get to the kitchen I grab a
muffin and bottle of water. (Cuz it's all healthy n' stuff) As I was sitting down sango came rushing down the
stairs. She was wearing a pair of turquoise tight skinny jeans, a brown braided
belt and a pink of the shoulder top. She also had on a long heart shaped silver
pendant, pink and white bangles on her right hand. She had on light pink eye
shadow, black eyeliner, mascara, pink lip gloss and her long hair was down and
straightened so it reached the small of her back. (Really, I wish I paid that much attention to my friends’ appearances. Again,
why in the hell does the friend's outfit matter to the plot.) She quickly
grabbed a bag of chips and a bottle of sunny-D (Ghetto breakfast FTW.) and sat down next to me.
"morning Kagome" sango said
to me "are you excited for the our first day at shikon high?"
"I'm kinda nervous to be honest,
I mean there is going be demons, (Oh
noes!) not that I really care but not all demons are to friendly about
being aroung half demons especially with miko powers. Member I have always been
an outcast." I said. (No. How could
you be an outcast? You’re the Mary-Sue heroine of this story.)
''Kagome," sango sighed "it
doesn't matter what race you are just be proud of who and what you are. You are
the strongest half demon I know and with the miko blood in you that makes you
even stronger, I mean you don't just have any miko blood in you , you have
SHIKON MIKO blood in you and that's what makes you so special. Now lets get
going we don't want to be late for our first day of school." (That was so beautiful. *tear*) And
with that sango shot up and out of the house and to our cars and I to followed
also not wanting to be late.
When I got to the car sango was
already bouncing in the passenger's suit as I slipped into the drivers seat. As
we drove off sango leaned over and turned on the radio and the song die young (Oh God not the random singing…) comes
on and I start sing (No.) to it
while sango just sits there starring at mein shock. (I know, that song sucks…)
As the song finishes (Perfect timing.) we pull into the
school parking lot. When I park the car sango turns to me after getting over
her shock and asks
"where did you learn to sing
like that?" (Like a dying moose
attacking a cat with a sore throat…)
"I don't know I just do"
was my reply.
An dwith that we both walked off to
the building.
Labels: badfic, Hanyou Love

Saturday, December 15, 2012
Commentary on Hanyou's Love Ch. 1 by ImmaTOOclumsy21
Hanyou Love Chapter 1
Summary: Kagome a half inu demon and half
miko along side her best friend sango a demon slayer attend a new school called
shikon high that is meant for mikos, demons, priests, half demons and all
alike. as they take on the challenge of a new school will they find love? sorry
my summary sucks but the story is great. kag/inu with kikyo bashing. original link
Please Stop...
Terrible spelling, Terrible grammar, Mary Sue, DNDTR,
Plot conveniently dead parents
And now, on with the terrible...
Enjoy |
Kagome's POV
Hi, my name is Kagome Higurashi and I
am from Tokyo Japan. I am 16 and a junior in high school. I recently just
transferred to shikon no tama (Ahh, the
thrills of unnecessary Japanese words and terms) with my best friend sango
taija.. The thing about this new school though, is that it's a school for
mikos, monks,demon slayers, demons and half demons. The main reason we
transferred to this school is because we of course are not normal. Sango is a
demon slayer and a tempered one too. (Hold
up! Rewind... What sick bastards would decide to put demons and demon slayers
together in a school together? That’s just cruel!) Sango had a brother but
he died in a car accident along with their parents. (No he didn’t. And how does that relate to anything?) As for me,
well I am a half demon and a miko. (Congratulations.)
My dad was a full dog demon and my mom was also a half demon but also half
miko, (WTF? Chick refers to Miko
priestess as a race or something…) so I have ¾ of demon blood in me and ¼
miko blood in me. (She does think it’s a
race…) It may seem as my miko side is weak cause I don't have that much
miko in me but that's wrong. In fact my miko is as strong as my demon blood
because I'm the shikon miko. (Ahh snap.
Shikon Miko. It’s on now.) My mom
and dad were on there way to the hospital to deliver my baby brother when an
enraged demon came out of no where and killed them both. (Sucks for you. They owe him money or something?) Since my
family was and still is rich, (Of
course.) I was able to live on my own until the day I found sango sitting on
the road and took her in, so since then we have been living together. (So, I read this as: Random demon kills my
dad and pregnant mom on the way to the hospital but I’m rich so it’s OK. I find
random chick sitting on the road and let her stay at my house. I live alone at
16 with no guardian whatsoever and have managed to take care of myself… Oh yeah
that’s because I’m rich. That explains everything. )
*Beep, beep, beep* I reached my hand
out from under my blankets finally shutting up my alarm clock. I glanced at the
time and realized that it was 6:25, so I got up and walked into my walk in
closet (Oohh I am sooo envious of your walk-in closet.) to pick out my outfit for
the first day of my new school. I finally emerge from my closet with the
perfect outfit, a blue and whit flowered dress with a brown belt around the waist and knee high brown
wedged high heel boots (Awww... No scene or awesomely goffick clothes decriptions. *pout*) I put my chosen clothes on to my now
b=made bed and go into my private bathroom (Oohh teh private bathroom.) to take
a quick shower. Once I'm done my shower I dry my hair and start to curl it into
nice soft curls that rest on my lower back. Once I am done with that I go over
to my bed and pull on my outfit and go over to my vanity to put on some
finishing touches to my final look. I put on a nice long silver chain with a
silver key on it, white peacock feathered earrings, and white and blue bangles
on my right hand. (A bit much for
school…) I top it all off with black eyeliner, mascara light blueish silver
eye shadow and clear lip gloss. (Why
does the color of the eyeshadow matter?!) By the time I am done it's
already 7:30 (I thought it’d be later…)
so I rush downstairs to grab a quick breakfast.
When I get to the kitchen I grab a
muffin and bottle of water. (Cuz it's all healthy n' stuff) As I was sitting down sango came rushing down the
stairs. She was wearing a pair of turquoise tight skinny jeans, a brown braided
belt and a pink of the shoulder top. She also had on a long heart shaped silver
pendant, pink and white bangles on her right hand. She had on light pink eye
shadow, black eyeliner, mascara, pink lip gloss and her long hair was down and
straightened so it reached the small of her back. (Really, I wish I paid that much attention to my friends’ appearances. Again,
why in the hell does the friend's outfit matter to the plot.) She quickly
grabbed a bag of chips and a bottle of sunny-D (Ghetto breakfast FTW.) and sat down next to me.
"morning Kagome" sango said
to me "are you excited for the our first day at shikon high?"
"I'm kinda nervous to be honest,
I mean there is going be demons, (Oh
noes!) not that I really care but not all demons are to friendly about
being aroung half demons especially with miko powers. Member I have always been
an outcast." I said. (No. How could
you be an outcast? You’re the Mary-Sue heroine of this story.)
''Kagome," sango sighed "it
doesn't matter what race you are just be proud of who and what you are. You are
the strongest half demon I know and with the miko blood in you that makes you
even stronger, I mean you don't just have any miko blood in you , you have
SHIKON MIKO blood in you and that's what makes you so special. Now lets get
going we don't want to be late for our first day of school." (That was so beautiful. *tear*) And
with that sango shot up and out of the house and to our cars and I to followed
also not wanting to be late.
When I got to the car sango was
already bouncing in the passenger's suit as I slipped into the drivers seat. As
we drove off sango leaned over and turned on the radio and the song die young (Oh God not the random singing…) comes
on and I start sing (No.) to it
while sango just sits there starring at mein shock. (I know, that song sucks…)
As the song finishes (Perfect timing.) we pull into the
school parking lot. When I park the car sango turns to me after getting over
her shock and asks
"where did you learn to sing
like that?" (Like a dying moose
attacking a cat with a sore throat…)
"I don't know I just do"
was my reply.
An dwith that we both walked off to
the building.
Labels: badfic, Hanyou Love

 Hi, I'm LuLu!
Yo! I'm LuLu! I am 22 years old and am a college student and ,y dream is to be the greatest English teacher EVER!
My favorite color is PINK.
My favorite foods are stews, strawberries, spicy noodles,
bread, and grape flavored Kool-Aid. :3
In my spare time I like to sketch, write, sing, design clothing, cook, try new foods, travel, read comics, read pop-culture magazines, study world history, watch good movies, riff bad movies, critique bad stories, make myself pretty, and listen to music.
I have a pekingese dog named Bonaparte who is my life. My fuzzy buddy! ^^
My music tastes are umm... varied and really depend on my daily mood. Some of my favorite artists are: L'Arc~en~Ciel, The Cure, Breaking Benjamin, Whitney Houston, Arashi, Oingo Boingo, Squeeze, T.M.Revolution, Yuzu, HEY SAY JUMP, SexyZone, and a buncha other stuff.
And lastly, I'm a huge Sci-Fi and history geek. I'm mostly into the Steampunk genre or just about anything relating to Europe from ancient to the Victorian Era. Also futuristic and space is my other passion. Robots (Gundam), Aliens, Giant Monsters (Godzilla, Gamera, etc.), and fake movie science. That's my thing ^^.
Well that's me. I hope we get along well! Bye-Bye!
I've loved the Sims 2 for a while now and and enjoy creating things with it. My specialties are stories and screenshots but from time to time I have the urge to create items and recolors too ^^. I aspire to bring a little of my um... "eccentricity" into the Sims community.
The best thing about the Sims community is interacting with other simmers! I think it's really interesting to compare my simming style with others, so I'm always open to story collaborations, projects, and even CC requests (if I have the time and ability)! I also love to help people so any WCIF's are welcome too; so long as they're not too lengthy. ^^
If you have any inquiries I can be contacted at:
This blog (duh): What Did I Do Today?
Directly to personal e-mail: LuLuPink_Luv@hotmail.com
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This is the blog where I spout all the randomness in my daily life.
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