Commentary on Welcome to Shikon High Chap. 3 by XxSmexiiXx
Welcome to Shikon High Chap. 3
Summary: Shiori got transferred to Shikon High which is a school for
Preistess, demon slayers,Hanyou,youkai,angels,devils and monks.Will love awaits
them or be heartbroken? Shiori is not the bat demon! It is my character... done
and updated!
original link
Note: Chapter 3. I can't believe my brain hasn't exploded yet.Though now I think I've gotten used to the sheer stupidity of this story. Now it's just funny. Insanly funny.
And now, on with the stupid...
Enjoy |
I feel like eatin' cookies...
Go entertain ur gf Kagome not Shiori
Why don't u entertain ur gf Shiori?!
- blushes- now on with the story! (Please
for the sake of all that is good in the world, stop trying to be funny!)
(Do we really need a recap?)
lunged her fist at her but Shiori stopped her hand and twist it and pushed her
down the table.
Don't try cuz i know how to fight real bad" Shiori said.
Andrew hun u saw her.." charmaine said, faking tears.
Eww... go somewhere else u know i don't like u..." Andrew said.
Woot! Way to go fuck u bitch!" Shiori said.
Ugh! I swear to make ur life a living hell!" charmaine said. (Looks to be the other way around.)
what r u gonna do? Making my life a living hell starts by letting me see ur
fucking ugly troll face?" shiori said. (What is wrong with this girl?!)
hmph!" Charmaine said.
left and Rin, ayame and kagome stood there shocked. Sango was the one smiling
like crazy.
Woot! u go girl!" Ayame said. (Yeah way to fight bitchiness, with uber
miroku came up to shiori and start his perveted ways. (Oh, that Miroku…tsk tsk)
Will u consider baring my children?" Miroku asked.
shiori felt a hand on her butt.
HENTAI!" Shiori said. (Oh God,
random Japanese words too?! THIS IS A GEM! It’s like Christmas!)
had a slap mark on his face and he was also unconsious.
Whoa girl! Can u teach me how to do that?" Sango asked. (Is it really so difficult to slap people?)
sure!" Shiori said.
NO!" Miroku said as he sprang foward.
Hey girl what r u doing in this type of school?" Miroku asked.
Im an angel.. and lemme guess ur a perverted monk..." shiori said.
burst out laughing. (Why?)
Im not perverted... and u r definitely a beauty on the first day of
school" Miroku said. (But not any
other day.)
thnx i guess?" Shiori said.
group may have not noticed that Andrew kept looking at Shiori only Sango did. (And da plot thickens…)
Hey Andrew!" sango said.
im rlly tough in school..
well she is also tough outside
review plz or she wont make anymore fanfics (Stop threatening me!)
im rlly so so so so so sorry it is very short but i have to sleep already baii!
Labels: badfic, Welcome to Shikon High